IMFのArticle IV Consultation Report

IMFの"Japan - 2010 Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission"が公表されている。
Japan―2010 Article IV Consultation Concluding Statement
Press Release: IMF Team Completes the 2010 Article IV Consultation Discussions with Japan
"II. Mapping A Credible Fiscal Reform Strategy"という部分がニュースに取り上げられている。各文節の最初の文章を取り上げるとこんな感じ。

The need for credible fiscal adjustment has assumed center stage.
In this light, fiscal consolidation should start next year.
Gradual fiscal adjustment should continue for a decade.
he fiscal adjustment could be achieved in a number of ways centered around an increase in the consumption tax rate (see Table for a menu of options).
Such fiscal adjustment may dampen growth in the near term but lead to faster growth over the medium-term.
Fiscal adjustment would be aided by the adoption of a fiscal rule.
Given the large and growing public debt stock, effective debt management remains critical.

その後には"III. Monetary Policy Options to Combat Deflation"という部分ここも同じように取り上げると、

The Bank of Japan’s (BoJ) current accommodative policy stance has helped stabilize financial markets and support the recovery.
Further measures could help ease deflation pressures.
During a period of heightened uncertainty, clear communication is essential.
